All Staff
Allison, Madaleine
Faculty Coordinator
Ansted, Danielle
Battaglia, Emily
Marketing and Communications Specialist
Bell, Lindley
Events Coordinator
Besant, Allison
Building Operations Manager
Burr, Mike
Application & Web Developer
Calkins, Erin
Communications Coordinator, Legal Clinics and Korey Wise Innocence Project
Carlozzi, Annie
Assistant Director, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment
Coberly, Teresa
IT Support Assistant Director
Contreras, Stephanie
CRM Data Analyst
Counselor, Financial Aid
Financial Aid Counselor
Daley, Gabrielle
Director of Schaden Experiential Learning Program
Dallas-Jobe, Jennipher
Clinical Programs Manager
Davis, Becca
Office Manager
Delgado, Yesenia
Director of Events and Inclusive Programming
Drane, Nicole
Manager of Faculty Support
Elder, Steven
Library Technician
Foley, Shannon
Fulton, Marci
Assistant Dean for Employer Relations and Outreach
Gonzalez, David
Serials Assistant
Grim, Kelsy
Student Services Coordinator
Guzman, Fernando
Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusive Excellence |
Hennessey, Karen
Development Assistant
Horowitz, Emily
Assistant Dean of Student Services
Hotz, Alex
General Laborer
Ilseng, Jimmy
International Programs Director
Ilseng, Kelly
Assistant Manager of Faculty Support
Ireland, Julie
Office Assistant
Johnson, Victoria
Faculty Affairs Program Manager
Jones, Jeremy
Director of Development
Jones, Kerri
Library Technician
Joy, Wendy
Finance and Payroll Coordinator
Klenow, Tom
IT Director
Koehn, Jacqueline
Student Journals & Competitions Coordinator
Kowalczyk, Jacquelyn
Library Technician II - Metadata Assistant
Logan, Michele
Professional Program Coordinator
Lohnes, Jud
Staff Attorney, Korey Wise Innocence Project
Lord, Kathleen
Staff Attorney, Korey Wise Innocence Project
Marchesi, Karen
Administrative Assistant, Law Library
Mariotti, Nate
Managing Director, Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship
McCaskill, Alexia
Senior Director for Professional Development
McCloskey, Christine
Program Coordinator, Silicon Flatirons
Metz, Sara
Human Resources Director
Moore, Jake
Assistant Director, Student Services |
Moyes, Anne-Marie
Program Director, Korey Wise Innocence Project
Munn, Robyn
Director of Marketing and Communications
Netkin-Collins, Nicole
Director for Government and Public Interest
Parks, Lisa
Program Manager for Stewardship and Development
Quinlan, Sean
Assistant Dean of Budget & Finance
Rabinowitz, Katie
Director of Law Firms
Rochette, Amanda
Director of Fiscal Operations & Compliance
Rogers, Todd
Assistant Dean for Career Development
Ruskey, Nicholas
Video Production Specialist
Schieve, Alan
Director of Admissions
Schnittgrund, Sara
Director of Student Programs, Silicon Flatirons Center
Segil, Jeanne
Staff Attorney, Korey Wise Innocence Project
Slaughter, Jonathan
IT Support Professional
Smith, Jennifer
Assistant Director of Admissions
Solomon, Zoë
Faculty Coordinator
Stirts, Lila
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Stone, Niko
Admissions Coordinator
Sturgeon, Shannon
Silicon Flatirons Event Coordinator
Vigil, Georgette
Senior Director of Alumni Engagement and Donor Relations
Winter, Chris
Executive Director, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment
Wynn, Lionel
Lead IT Support Professional |
Our Vision
With our roots in Colorado and a global outlook, we are ...
a supportive and diverse educational and scholarly community in a place that inspires vigorous pursuit of ideas, critical analysis, contemplation, and civic engagement to advance knowledge about the law in an open, just society.
Our Mission
To be an outstanding public law school that: provides students with a state-of-the-art legal education and prepares them to serve wisely and with professionalism; advances the development of knowledge through scholarship, testing of new ideas, and challenges to the status quo; and serves as a vehicle and catalyst for meaningful public service, all of which deliver high value to our students and have positive impacts?both locally and globally?on the legal profession and society.