CU Law Profiles
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Why did you want to go to law school in general?

Alumnus Answers
Lucienne Boyd
Alumnus: Class of 2007

First, because I love academics but I also wanted to learn a trade. Second, because knowledge of the law is empowering. Third, because I like wearing professional attire and I want my own office some day.

Todd Fredrickson
Alumnus: Class of 1991

An influential high school teacher of mine pushed me in that direction.

Diane Lee
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I decided to attend law school because I felt that it would empower me to affect change within the system.

Brian Mason
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I spent five years working in government before law school. In those five years, one thing became very clear to me: those with a law degree had a leg up on those who did not. In many situations, my boss would ask a question and turn to the lawyer in the room to answer it. I said to myself then: I either want to be able to answer that question'or not have to ask it.

Sarah Mercer
Alumnus: Class of 2007

What else can one do with a degree in Social Studies? I am just kidding, sort of. How?s unadulterated intellectual curiosity? Not very realistic, is it? Perhaps, I better stick with this: I want to help people.

Alison Ochs
Alumnus: Class of 2005

I wanted a challenging career where I could apply my love for public speaking with the opportunity to help others.

Siddhartha Rathod
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I took a labor negotiations class in my undergraduate studies that peaked my interest in the law.

Katie Roenbaugh
Alumnus: Class of 2007

During my senior year at Northwestern University I assisted with the political asylum trial of an Albanian woman. This trial, and subsequent research, opened my eyes to the hundreds of legitimate asylum seekers struggling to navigate a complex legal process -- many without the help of trained legal counsel. Since then, my list of goals has included gaining the legal expertise to help asylum seekers.

Laurie Rust
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I came to law school to work in the human rights field.

Rita Sanzgiri
Alumnus: Class of 2006

Two main reasons. First, my interest in Intellectual Property law. Right now there are many interesting things going on in IP area, that will have far reaching consequences to our society. As a scientist I find these issues highly fascinating. Second, freedom to choose where I live. Unlike basic academic research, law is a flexible career. I can find a job in any major city in the U.S.

Bonnie Sarkar
Alumnus: Class of 2007

To make use of my skills while making a living.

Teresa Taylor Tate
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I wanted to support my family with a career that would really challenge me. I think law (and a law degree) is diverse and flexible enough to keep me interested for a good long while.