CU Law Profiles
Alumnus Profile

Bonnie Sarkar

Class of 2007





Born in Calcutta, India; grew up in Fort Worth, Texas

Family Status


Undergraduate Institutions and Degrees

Middlebury College, BA 1999

Hobbies, Sports, or Extracurricular Passions

Rock climbing, triathlons, knitting, languages

What were you doing before you came to the University of Colorado Law School?

Was a technical writer for an aircraft company and then worked for the forest service

What is one interesting, fun, or offbeat thing you have done in your lifetime?

I have my pilots license

About Boulder

Where do you live now (e.g., Boulder, Denver, etc.)?


Why did you choose to live there?

It was close and cool

What do you like most about Boulder?

It?s small and I always run into people I know

What do you like least about Boulder?

Damn liberal-ass yuppies

What piece of advice would you give a student about moving to Boulder?

South boulder has more affordable housing and less traffic.

About CU Law School

What piece of advice would you give a student about surviving being a 1L?

Develop a vice or nurture one you already have.

What piece of advice would you give a student about getting the most out of law school?

Keep your perspective.

About Choosing A Law School

Why did you want to go to law school in general?

To make use of my skills while making a living.

What made you decide to come to the University of Colorado School of Law specifically?

Natural resources law

What do you like most about attending the University of Colorado School of Law?

The almost sick devotion the students have to each other.

What area of law do you want to practice, and why?

Water law ? it?s interesting.

What piece of advice would you give a prospective student about choosing a law school?

Go where you think you?ll be happy living for 3 years.

About the Law School Curriculum

What was your favorite Law School class? Why?

Constitutional law b/c it?s hard. Weiser

What student organizations have you been involved with at the Law School?