CU Law Profiles
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Did you receive any financial aid, private loans, scholarships, or fellowships, and could you describe them?

Alumnus Answers
Lucienne Boyd
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I have federal loans as well as an Alternative Law Loan because my expenses are a little higher than the allowance. In addition, I was awarded the Daniel Barash Scholarship, which is designated for students participating in a criminal clinic and intending to work for the Colorado Office of the State Public Defender or other indigent defense services provider.

Alison Ochs
Alumnus: Class of 2005

Currently I am only taking the subsidized loans. During my time at CU I have received a scholarship each year for at least $1,000. The biggest ?scholarship? I received was in-state tuition after my first year of law school because I established residency in my first year.

Siddhartha Rathod
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I was fortunate to receive a small scholarship and also get a monthly stipend from the Montgomery GI Bill. Both help with the sting of out-of-state tuition.

If you are out-of-state, one of the great things about CU is that after one year you are eligible for in-state-tuition. This is one of the only schools in the nation that offers this, and it is great.

Katie Roenbaugh
Alumnus: Class of 2007

My husband and I both took out Federal Stafford loans and I received a scholarship from the University.

Laurie Rust
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I receive loans, grants, and scholarships.
18,500 fed loans
2800 state / cu grants
2000 law school supplemental assistance
1500 scholarships
*My budget was increased to cover extensive medical bills.

Teresa Taylor Tate
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I have received all sorts of assistance: scholarships, federal aid, work study, and grants.