Alexia Brunet Marks

Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs and
Professor of Law

401 UCB
2450 Kittredge Loop Drive
Wolf Law Building
Boulder, CO  80309
Office: 433
Phone: (303) 492-6065

Curriculum Vitae:  View (PDF format)

Personal Link:

Educational Background:
Ph.D.   Purdue University   2005  
J.D.   Northwestern University   2005  
M.S.   Purdue University   1999  
B.A.   Colgate University   1991  

Alexia Brunet Marks is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Law School. Professor Brunet Marks' received her Ph.D. from Purdue University (Applied Economics), and J.D. from Northwestern University Law School. Her research interests include food systems law and international economic law with an approach that is both transnational and multidisciplinary. Professor Brunet Marks teaches International Business Transactions, International Trade Law, Food Law and Policy, and Torts.

Professor Brunet Marks' research has been published in the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, the North Carolina Law Review, the Arizona Law Review, the Harvard Journal on Regulation, and other leading journals. Distinguished research awards include Colorado Law's Gamm justice Award for her 2022 pandemic article, Essential But Ignored: COVID-19 Litigation and the Meatpacking Industry, and Colorado Law's Consumer Rights award for her 2019 climate related article, Feeding the Eco-Consumer. At the University level, she received the Provost's Faculty Achievement Award in for her 2017 article, A New Governance Recipe for Food Safety Regulation. Her empirical project, What Predicts Law Student Success, was featured in the Wall Street Journal.

Before joining Colorado Law, Professor Brunet Marks was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Northwestern Law School. Prior to that, she worked at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Argonne National Laboratory, focusing on risk analysis and modeling. She began her career as a founding partner in an international trade venture and worked in Japan, Guinea and Poland.

Professor Brunet Marks graduated from Northwestern Law School (cum laude), where she received the Ralph Berger Award for her research on compensatory damages and was an ABF Fellow. She also holds a BA from Colgate University (International Relations) and a Ph.D. and M.S. from Purdue University (Agricultural Economics), and received competitive doctoral fellowships from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation. Professor Brunet Marks was a Visiting Professor at the University of Copenhagen (2018) and is active in both the European and American Societies of International Law. She is also a founding member of the Academy of Food Law and Policy.


Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture One French Fry at a Time, NEVADA LAW JOURNAL (Forthcoming, 2024).
Sugar labeling: Challenges and Approaches, in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL FOOD LAW, Edward Elgar Press (Michael Roberts ed.) (2023).
Essential But Ignored: COVID-19 Litigation and the Meatpacking Industry, 14 Northeastern Law Review 1, 47-112 (2022).
Taming America's Sugar Rush: A "Traffic Light" Label Approach, Arizona Law Review, Vol. 62, No. 683 (2020).
(Carbon) Farming our Way out of Climate Change, 97 Denver Law Review 3, 497-556 (2020).
Brunet Marks et al, Colorado Essential Food System Worker Policy Response Agenda, U. Colo. L. Rev. Forum (Aug. 20, 2020).
Feeding the Eco-Consumer, 42 VERMONT LAW REVIEW 3, 567-603 (2018).
The Right To Regulate (Cooperatively), University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2016).
A New Governance Recipe for Food Safety Regulation, 47 LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO LAW JOURNAL 3 (2016). Reprinted in, Gostin, Lawrence O., ed. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW & ETHICS: A READER, 3d ed. Berkeley: University of California Press (2016).
Brunet Marks (with Scott Moss), What predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2 (June 2016).
The Risks We Are Willing To Eat: Food Imports and Safety, 52 HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION 1, 125-172 (2015).
Check Please: How Legal Liability Informs Food Safety Regulation, 50 Houston Law Review 3 (2013).
Brunet Marks (with R.J.Allen), To Tow or Not to Tow: The Deterrence Effect of a Municipal Ordinance, 47 Criminal Law Bulletin 410 (2011).
Under Attack: Terrorism Risk Insurance Regulation, 89 North Carolina Law Review 387 (2011).
Brunet Marks (with R.J. Allen), The Judicial Treatment of Non-Economic Compensatory Damages in the Nineteenth Century, 4 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 365 (2007).
Brunet Marks (with J.A. Lentini), Arbitration of International Oil, Gas, and Energy Disputes in Latin America, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 591 (2007).
Brunet Marks (with M.Shafe), Beyond Enron: Regulation in Energy Derivatives Trading, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 665 (2007).
Brunet Marks (with R.J.Allen & S.S.Roth), An External Perspective on the Nature of Noneconomic Compensatory Damages and Their Regulation, 56 DePaul Law Review 1249 (2007).
Brunet Marks (with K.T. Mcnamara & L.Deboer), Community Choice Between Volunteer And Professional Fire Departments, 30 Nonprofit And Voluntary Sector Quarterly 1 (2001).

Other Publications

An End to Terrorism Risk Insurance Regulation?, George Mason Law School, Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Report, November 2011.

Presentations and Speeches

The Roles and Rights of Essential Food System Workers During COVID-19, Colorado Law Talk, University of Colorado Law School (scheduled August 25, 2020).
COVID Economic Disruption- The Global Supply Chain, Guest Lecture, University of Arkansas Law School, LLM Program in Agricultural and Food Law, Online Course: Food, Law, and COVID-19 (scheduled, Oct. 30, 2020).


Fall 2025 Torts LAWS 5425-803
Spring 2025 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Spring 2024 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Fall 2023 Torts LAWS 5425-803
Spring 2023 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Fall 2022 Torts LAWS 5425-803
Spring 2022 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Fall 2021 Torts LAWS 5425-803
Spring 2021 International Trade Law LAWS 6410-801
Spring 2021 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Fall 2020 Torts LAWS 5425-803
Spring 2020 International Business Transactions LAWS 7611-801
Spring 2020 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Fall 2019 Torts LAWS 5425-803
Spring 2019 International Trade Law LAWS 6410-801
Spring 2019 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-801
Spring 2018 Food Law and Practice LAWS 7520-801
Spring 2018 Food Law and Practice LAWS 7520-902
Spring 2018 International Business Transactions LAWS 7611-801
Fall 2017 Torts LAWS 5425-801
Spring 2017 International Trade Law LAWS 6410-001
Spring 2017 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-001
Fall 2016 Torts LAWS 5425-801
Spring 2016 International Business Transactions LAWS 7611-001
Spring 2016 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-001
Fall 2015 Torts LAWS 5425-802
Spring 2015 International Trade Law LAWS 6410-001
Spring 2015 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-001
Fall 2014 Torts LAWS 5425-802
Spring 2014 International Business Transactions LAWS 7611-001
Spring 2014 Seminar: Food Law and Policy LAWS 8545-001
Spring 2013 International Business Transactions LAWS 7611-001
Spring 2013 Seminar: Business Law Colloquium LAWS 8101-001

Our Vision

With our roots in Colorado and a global outlook, we are ...

a supportive and diverse educational and scholarly community in a place that inspires vigorous pursuit of ideas, critical analysis, contemplation, and civic engagement to advance knowledge about the law in an open, just society.

Our Mission

To be an outstanding public law school that: provides students with a state-of-the-art legal education and prepares them to serve wisely and with professionalism; advances the development of knowledge through scholarship, testing of new ideas, and challenges to the status quo; and serves as a vehicle and catalyst for meaningful public service, all of which deliver high value to our students and have positive impacts?both locally and globally?on the legal profession and society.