Scott Miller

Adjunct Faculty

401 UCB
2450 Kittredge Loop Drive
Wolf Law Building
Boulder, CO  80309-0401
Phone: (303) 492-3708

Scott has practiced, created, taught, and studied public land and natural resources law and policy for more than 25 years in key positions in government, nonprofits, and academia.

As Senior Counsel for the United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (2003-2012), Scott conceived, drafted, negotiated, and influenced some of the most significant public lands, energy, and natural resources laws and policies since the turn of the century, including substantial portions of the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Act, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and scores of others. As Senior Regional Director for the Wilderness Society (2013-present), Scott has played a critical role in major federal executive and legislative initiatives, including the designation a number of national monuments, wilderness areas, and special management areas, and the formulation, drafting, and passage of numerous federal and state public land and natural resources laws. In 2022, Scott was appointed as a member of the national Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission by the Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture, and Homeland Security.

As an Honors Program Attorney in the Department of the Interior's Office of the Solicitor in Washington, D.C. (1998-2003), he advised Secretaries Bruce Babbitt and Gail Norton, along with many senior agency officials, on a range of legal, litigation, and policy issues in public land, natural resources, and Indian law.

Scott is frequently consulted by Members of Congress and their staff, agency officials, practitioners, academics, and advocates for his expertise on public land and natural resources law, policy, and management, including legislative drafting, strategy, and history, forest management, wildfire, litigation, and administrative processes. Before attending law school, Scott practiced marine biology, researching marine mammal populations in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Alaska. He has served as the Chair of the Advisory Council for the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment.

He works out of Boulder and travels to Washington, D.C., (too often) and to public lands across the West (not often enough).


Fall 2025 Public Land Law LAWS 6002-801
Spring 2024 Public Land Law LAWS 6002-801
Spring 2023 Public Land Law LAWS 6002-801
Spring 2018 Public Land Law LAWS 6002-001
Spring 2013 Public Land Law LAWS 6002-001
Fall 2012 LLM Seminar LAWS 9846-901

Our Vision

With our roots in Colorado and a global outlook, we are ...

a supportive and diverse educational and scholarly community in a place that inspires vigorous pursuit of ideas, critical analysis, contemplation, and civic engagement to advance knowledge about the law in an open, just society.

Our Mission

To be an outstanding public law school that: provides students with a state-of-the-art legal education and prepares them to serve wisely and with professionalism; advances the development of knowledge through scholarship, testing of new ideas, and challenges to the status quo; and serves as a vehicle and catalyst for meaningful public service, all of which deliver high value to our students and have positive impacts?both locally and globally?on the legal profession and society.