Daria Roithmayr


401 UCB
2450 Kittredge Loop Drive
Wolf Law Building
Boulder, CO  80309
Office: 465
Phone: (303) 492-3875
E-mail: Daria.Roithmayr@colorado.edu

Curriculum Vitae:  View (PDF format)

Daria Roithmayr teaches and writes about the dynamics of racial inequality, and in particular the persistence of structural disparities in labor, housing, political participation, wealth and education. Her book, Reproducing Racism: How Everyday Choices Lock In White Advantage (NYU 2014), explores the self-reinforcing dynamics of persistent racial inequality. Her work is heavily interdisciplinary, drawing from economics, sociology, political theory, history and complex systems theory. She joined Colorado in fall 2023.

Before joining Colorado, Professor Roithmayr taught for seventeen years at the University of Southern California. She has been a visiting scholar at Harvard's Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. She has also been a visiting law professor at the University of Michigan, Georgetown, and Yale.

Professor Roithmayr received her B.S. from UCLA, and her J.D., magna cum laude, from the Georgetown University Law Center, where she was a member of Order of the Coif and served as senior notes editor of the Georgetown Law Journal. She clerked for The Honorable Marvin J. Garbis, judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.

Books and Book Chapters

The Cat and Mouse of Getting Around the Law, (with Justin Chin, Fei Fang, and Bruce Levinin) in Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, 2021.
Evolutionary Dynamics and the Law, in Methodologies of Law and Economics (Thomas Ulen ed. Elgar, 2017).
Reproducing Racism: How Everyday Choices Lock In White Advantage, NYU Press, January 2014.
Introduction, in Race Is, Race Isn't: Critical Race Theory And Qualitative Studies In Education, (Laurence Parker and Donna Deyhle eds.,1998).


HUMBLE PIE IS COLD COMFORT Comment on M. Sandel's The Tyranny of Merit, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND EQUALITY (September 2021).
The Network Structure of Police Misconduct, (with George Wood and Andrew V. Papachristos) 5 SOCIUS (January 2019).
Cat and Mouse: The Evolutionary Dynamics of Getting Around the Law, (with Justin Chin, Bruce Levin, and Fei Fang) SSRN Electronic Journal (January 2017).
The Dynamics of Excessive Force, 2016 U. CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 407 (2016).
Roithmayr (with Alex Isakov and David Rand), Should Law Keep Pace With Society: Relative Update Rates Determine the Co-evolution of Institutional Punishment and Citizen Contributions to Public Goods, 6 GAMES 124 (2015).
Roithmayr (with Darren Rosenblum), More than a Woman: Insights Into Corporate Governance After the French Sex Quota, 48 INDIANA L. REV. 889 (2015).
How the Other Half Banks (reviewing Mehrsa Baradaran, How the Other Half Banks) (2015), JOTWELL (October 2015).
Critical Race Theory Meets Social Science, (with Devon Carbado) 10 ANNUAL REV. L. SOCIAL SCI. 149 (2014).
The Flaw at the Heart of The Triple Package, SLATE (February 2014).
Faking It (reviewing Nancy Leon, Racial Capitalism, 126 Harv. L. Rev. 2151 (2013)), JOTWELL (September 2013).
Prisons, Poverty and Power (reviewing Ian Haney Lopez, Post-Racial Racialism, 98 CAL. L. REV. 1023 (2010)), JOTWELL (October 2012).
Lessons From Mazibuko: Shifting From Rights to the Commons, CONSTITUTIONAL COURT REVIEW 317 (2010) (peer reviewed South African journal).
Racial Cartels, 16 MICH. J. RACE AND LAW 45 (2010).
Them That Has, Gets, 27 MISS. C. L. REV. 373 (2007-08).


Fall 2025 Legislation and Regulation LAWS 5205-802
Spring 2025 Special Topics LAWS 6708-802
Spring 2025 Special Topics LAWS 6708-803
Fall 2024 Legislation and Regulation LAWS 5205-802
Spring 2024 Special Topics LAWS 6708-803
Fall 2023 Legislation and Regulation LAWS 5205-802

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