September 1, 2004
On August 17, 2004, we welcomed a stellar group of first-year students whose impressive academic credentials place us among the top 25 law schools in the nation in terms of student body. The median undergraduate GPA for our class of 166 is 3.64; the median LSAT is 162. Students from over 90 undergraduate colleges are represented in the class; 16 have masters degrees; and two have Ph.Ds. The class ranges in age from 20 to 56. Students come from a variety of occupational backgrounds. Prior careers include engineers, teachers, paralegals, law enforcement officers, business owners, and legal aid volunteers. Other interesting experiences include a court clerk, a librarian, a park ranger, a wildland firefighter, manager of a TV station, a soil conservationist, and a farmer. Several others have been AmeriCorps volunteers, auto mechanics and computer consultants. Veterans and present members of the military service representing the Army, Navy, and Marines have enrolled at the School of Law. Several students are the first generation in their family born in the U.S., and several others were born abroad. These students spoke of being equally proud of the gift of citizenship and their native heritage. Students from India, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Pakistan, Ukraine, Taiwan, Korea, and Indonesia are represented in the class. Many of our students were motivated to seek a career in law at CU due to their desire to improve their communities and the world and decided to attend the School of Law because of its strong tradition of public service. We are proudest of the attributes of character, leadership, and diversity that our incoming students bring to the law school. This is a community that we are all proud to be part of.