The Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation awarded Dean David Getches the Clyde O. Martz Award for Excellence in Teaching. Getches received the award today at the opening of the Foundation’s 55th Annual Institute in San Francisco before an audience of 650 people. Immediate Past President of the Foundation Craig Carver presented the award, stating that Getches was selected “in recognition of his outstanding career in teaching natural resources law.”
The Foundation is an educational organization based in Westminster, Colorado, whose governing organizations include 31 law schools, several state bar associations, and numerous oil and gas and mining associations.
The award was created in the name of Clyde Martz who began his teaching career at Colorado Law and was a founder of the Foundation which began at the School in 1952 where it was housed for many years. Revered by generations of students, Martz went on to serve two U.S. Presidents in high positions in the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of the Interior. He practiced law in Denver at Davis Graham & Stubbs.
In accepting the award Getches said, “It is especially satisfying to receive an award named after Clyde Martz who, in his teaching, public service, and law practice, exemplified the kind of mentor we as teachers all aspire to be.” The award carries with it a $2,500 prize that Getches donated to the Clyde Martz Endowment, which was recently created to support Colorado Law’s Natural Resources Law Center.