Professor Scott Peppet received an award from the CPR Institute in New York on Thursday, January 20, 2005 for writing the "Best Professional Article" on dispute resolution in 2004. The article -- titled Contract Formation in Imperfect Markets: Should We Use Mediators in Deals? (Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 2004) -- examines how corporate transactions take place and the barriers to closing deals. It argues that neutral third-party mediators, who typically work to settle litigation, could also be useful in helping contracting parties to resolve their differences in pre-closing contract negotiations.
The Institute's judging committee, made up of academics, lawyers, and corporate officers, called Peppet's work "path breaking" and "foundational." Ms. Barbara Daniele, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of GE Capital Commercial Equipment Financing, who presented the award, praised the article's creativity and Peppet for "raising the bar."
The awards ceremony was attended by approximately two hundred academics, lawyers, dispute resolution professionals, and corporate leaders. The CPR Institute is internationally recognized as the premier award-granting body in the dispute resolution field. The Institute is most well known for its "CPR Pledge," through which law firms and corporations can commit themselves to pursuing alternative dispute resolution processes whenever possible in lieu of traditional litigation.
Professor Peppet also won a CPR Award in 2000 for his book on legal negotiation, Beyond Winning: Negotiating to Create Value in Deals and Disputes (Harvard University Press 2000, with R. Mnookin and A. Tulumello).
To download a PDF copy of Professor Peppet's article, click here (60 pages).
Professor Peppet at the CPR Institute Awards |