Peru’s President Alan Garcia awarded alumna Dr. Ruth Wright (’72), and husband Kenneth Wright, the Order of Merit for Distinguished Services today in Lima, Peru. The recognition was for contributions to the Peru cultural patrimony through archaeological investigations and publications. The Wrights have researched and disseminated countless technological achievements in their more than 12-year effort to mobilize multidisciplinary teams and relieve the costly investigations in Machu Picchu, Tipon, and Moray.
The Wrights were presented with medals on behalf of Wright Water Engineers and Wright Paleohydrolic Institute for which they are both Directors. “We all felt that the medals should have been awarded to the Inca civil engineers some five centuries ago,” stated Kenneth R. Wright, P.E.
The Foreign Minister Jose Belaunde, who presented the medals, made evident his interest in Peru’s ancient civil engineering achievements and what can be learned from careful study of prehistoric water works.
Ruth Wright is a lawyer and renowned photographer. She also has been a Colorado legislator and promoted cultural activities through publications on the archaeological heritage of Machu Picchu.