Today, feminist scholar and author Chirstina Hoff Sommers, Ph.D. was invited by the Federalist Society to speak to Colorado Law students.
Among other things, Dr. Hoff Sommers discussed some issues in contemporary feminism:
The lack of free and honest discussion in today’s Women’s Studies classes.
Why it is foolish to ignore the hard-wired differences between men and women.
How a just and reasonable equity feminism has been hijacked by hard-liners in the academy and in the major women’s organizations.
How young third-wave equity feminists can save the women’s movement by demanding good information, common sense, and fairness.
Dr. Sommers serves on the Board of Advisors for the Center for the American Experiment, is Chairman of the Board of Academic Advisors for the Independent Women’s Forum. She has taught at Clark University, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Massachusetts at Boston. She received her Ph.D. in philosophy from Brandeis University and her B.A. from New York University. Her books include One Nation Under Therapy, The War Against Boys.