Yesterday, the Juvenile and Family Law Program held its inaugural event. More than 100 lawyers and students attended the program on Colorado's new Rule 16.2, "Court Facilitated Management of Domestic Relations Cases and General Provisions Governing Duty of Disclosure," more commonly known the simplified martial dissolution rule.
Professor Huntington welcomed the participants and described the Juvenile and Family Law program, saying that the Program hopes to build a bridge between academia and the world of practice. The Honorable Lael Montgomery '82 and Colorado's family law expert Pam Gagel discussed the evolution of the Rule, both in Colorado and specifically in Boulder, provided practice pointers for the effective use of the new process, addressed the role of family court facilitators in the process, dispelled the myth that budget crunches precludes the use of this process, and outlined training efforts for both the bench and the bar to implement these changes. Judge Montgomery and Ms. Gagel also addressed ethical and professional issues presented by the Rule for both the bench and the bar and discussed projects sponsored by the Standing Committee on Family Issues.
At a reception following the event, participants were able to discuss the Rule and get to know one another. Students and practitioners alike were delighted with the program. Third year student Jennifer Sloan said "I think I speak for many when I say that it's great to have practicing attorneys on campus and very interesting to hear their practical feedback on things that, for the most part as law students, we think about in the abstract."
Clare Huntington |