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Re-Examining the Role of State and Local Governments in Telecom Regulation

October 28, 2005

Designing a new regulatory architecture for telecommunications regulation presents a critical challenge that Congress must carefully consider in weighing prospective changes to the Telecommunications Act of 1996.  To assist Congress in this endeavor, the Progress and Freedom Foundation (PFF) chartered a Digital Age Communications Act (DACA) project that, among other things, has created a proposed statutory framework to delineate the role of federal, state and local authorities in telecommunications regulation.  Re-Examining the Role of State and Local Governments in Telecom Regulation program discusses and analyzes the proposed framework, recommendations and conclusions of the DACA Working Group on Federal-State Framework (the "Report").

The Silicon Flatirons Telecommunications Program ("SFTP"), which examines cutting-edge issues involving technology, business, and law.  SFTP is hosting one remaining conference this Fall, Commercial Opportunities at the Technological Frontier:  Building a Company around New Internet Technologies (November 7th, 3:00-7:00pm).  Additionally, SFTP's very own Professor Phil Weiser will discuss Telecom's Brave New World as the invited lecturer for the 32nd Annual Austin N. Scott Jr. Memorial Lecture (November 15th, 7:00-8:00pm).

SFTP also sponsors the Journal on Telecommunications and High Technology Law, which will hold a symposium on "the Digital Broadband Migration:  Confronting the New Regulatory Frontiers" coming February 19-20th.  The conference will explore the Institutional Challenges of Technology Policy, Video over Internet Protocol, Digital Rights Management, and the Emerging Industry Structure.  Noted scholars and luminaries, such as former FCC Chairman Michael Powell, economist Alfred Kahn, Level 3 CEO Jim Crowe, and Internet pioneer Bob Kahn, will be on hand to discuss these issues.

Seating will be limited for these events, so please register in advance.  For more information, visit SFTP's website at, or email

Among others, panelists included Rob Atkinson (Exec Dir of Columbia Institue for Tele-Info), Wendy Moser (VP for Qwest Comm.), T. Scott Thompson (Partner of Cole, Raywid & Braverman), and Barry Smitherman (Commissioner of TX Public Utilities Commission)