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Colorado Law Chapter of the ACLU Hosts Cathy Hazouri

October 11, 2005

Cathy Hazouri, the Executive Director of the Colorado Chapter of the ACLU spoke about current initiatives by the Colorado ACLU and the National ACLU, current litigation, and ways that CU Law students can become more involved.

Topics Discussed:  

  • Patriot Act and its impact
  • Military Recruitment on High School Campuses (military failure to disclose that it has no discrmination policy even though public schools have anti-discrimination policies)
  • National Identity Cards (Radio Frequency Identification Cards and personal information disclosure without consent)
  • ACLU mentor program that pairs high school students with law students
  • Unpaid internships at the ACLU (Intake assistance, legal department assistance, translating ACLU materials, fundraising, student rights)
  • Fundraising: Petitioning ACLU lawyers for a donation of the monetary equivalent of a few billable hours and CU law students doing follow-up calls on those efforts.
  • Memberships cost $5.00, the proceeds of which go back to the member's local chapter. 

Rachel Chaparro, Development and Education Coordinator, spoke generally about the ACLU and reviewed the panoply of ACLU educational materials available. 

Rachel Chaparro, Development and Education Coordinator

Cathy Hazouri, the Executive Director of the Colorado Chapter of the ACLU