Silicon Flatirons - Entrepreneurs Unplugged: Chris White, Co-founder and CEO, Shinesty (and 80's Night at Silicon Flatirons!)

This event has ended.

When Thursday, March 16, 2017
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Location University of Colorado Law School - Wittemyer Courtroom
For Public; Faculty; Staff; Students; Alumni
Cost General: $15 ($20 at the door); CU Faculty / Staff / Student: Free; Silicon Flatirons Sponsor: Free

Silicon Flatirons and StartUp Meetup present Chris White, Co-founder and CEO of Shinesty, as our featured entrepreneur. In the spirit of Shinesty’s mission, attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite 80’s or other “outlandish” apparel and Shine On! Entrepreneurs Unplugged is a meeting place where faculty, students, and community members learn about and get involved in entrepreneurship. In particular, the program offers students, faculty and the Front Range startup community an opportunity to learn how a successful startup is created as well as an opportunity to network. Each Entrepreneurs Unplugged meeting features food, drink and – most importantly – an experienced entrepreneur to discuss his/her start-up experiences.

More Information

Contact Sean Diamond