Course Descriptions
The Colorado Law courses and seminars listed below have been taught in the last three academic years, however, they are not always offered every year. Frequently, faculty develop new seminars to reflect current developments in the law and in their research interests; these seminars may be offered only periodically. The listed courses are taught regularly. Go to "Calendars and Schedules" to find a list of the courses and seminars being offered in the current academic term.
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Accounting Issues for Lawyers - LAWS 6281
Studies of accounting and auditing problems in the form they are placed before the lawyer, including a succinct study of basic bookkeeping, in-depth legal analysis of the major current problems of financial accounting, and consideration of the conduct of the financial affairs of business.
Administrative Law - LAWS 7205
The law governing the administration of statutes by the executive agencies of the federal government. Topics include the relationships of the constitutional branches with the agencies, the availability and scope of judicial review of agency action, procedural due process rights of individuals, the nature of agency processes for rulemaking and adjudication, and laws requiring open meetings and records. No prerequisites. The course is offered at least annually.
Advanced Appellate Advocacy - LAWS 6213
Advanced study and practice of written and oral appellate advocacy. Builds on the first-year advocacy course, but provides more advanced techniques for brief writing, and preparing for and conducting oral argument. Students are required to write an appellate brief and participate in several oral arguments, and receive detailed, one-on-one critiques of work product.
Advanced Applied Compliance - LAWS 9221
Enables students to discover what is takes to transform a company's compliance program beyond a "paper program." The class will explore the elements of a strong, effective and mature Compliance program. Taught by an experienced compliance professional with the support of several expert guests, the class will investigate how the best Compliance programs augment compliance policies with processes, controls and continuous monitoring.
Advanced Clinical Practicum - LAWS 7019
Enables a clinical student an optional 1-3 credits to complete advanced legal work in the Clinical Education Program. A student may participate in an advanced clinical practicum in connection with any existing clinical offering that the student already has successfully completed. A student must have the permission of the appropriate clinical faculty member, and must complete all of the advanced legal work under that faculty member's supervision. For each credit taken, a clinical student must complete a minimum of 50 hours of legal work, all of which shall be graded pass/graded. A clinical student may complete 1-3 credits of work over the course of no more than two semesters. A clinical student may earn no more than 3 credits total over the student's law school career.
Advanced Deals Lab: Advanced Real Estate Transactions - LAWS 7004
Using documents from actual real estate transactions, this course will focus on the drafting and negotiation skills required for the successful practice of real estate transactions law. Students will negotiate and draft actual real estate transaction documents. Prerequisite: Real Estate Transactions
Advanced Environmental Law: Air Pollution - LAWS 7512
Provides an in-depth examination of efforts to regulate air pollution in the United States under the Clean Air Act. Covers key provisions of the Act, the basic approach of cooperative federalism, the role of science and risk assessment in establishing health-based standards, the implications of instrument choice and regulatory design on innovation and economic growth, the development of 'first generation' climate policies under the act, and new approaches to compliance and enforcement.
Advanced Evidence: Forensic Science and the Criminal Courts - LAWS 7333
Explores the admissibility of forensic science opinion and expert testimony, its use as evidence at a trial, and the challenges that such evidence may pose for the courts and the entire criminal justice system in the future.
Advanced Legal Negotiation - LAWS 7709
Deepens students' understanding of the economic, psychological, cultural, and critical literatures related to legal negotiation and bargaining, provides students an advanced set of negotiation experiences and simulations that introduce new dynamics and problems not dealt with in the core course, and deepens students' self-understanding and ability to learn from experience. Prerequisite: Legal Negotiation
Advanced Legal Research - LAWS 6856
Offers an in-depth look at research resources and methods. Includes sources from the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of federal and state government; research in topical areas such as environmental law, taxation, and international law; and extensive coverage of secondary and nonlaw resources. Covers both print and electronic sources. Students will have several assignments and a final project.
Advanced Legal Research and Analysis - LAWS 6886
Develops students' ability to think critically about and solve current legal problems. Evaluates the benefits and detriments of both print and on-line legal resources, and how to create an efficient research plan. Formulates and applies research strategies to real-world legal problems, and uses legal analysis to refine and improve research results. Note: Students who have taken LAWS 6856 Advanced Legal Research course may not enroll in this course.
Advanced Legal Research and Writing for Practice - LAWS 6896
This course builds on the fundamental legal research and writing skills covered during the first year of law school, and requires students to develop and practice these skills in real-world ways. Every assignment will have a realistic purpose and audience, giving students the opportunity to complete work similar to that of summer associates or new attorneys. The assignments will primarily require objective analysis, but will include at least one persuasive piece of writing. Each assignment integrates the legal writing and research goals of the course, including the final project of the semester, an actual legal memo for Colorado Legal Services. Students will receive individual feedback on every assignment. The course is co-taught by a legal writing professor and a law librarian, with approximately 2/3 of the course devoted to writing, and 1/3 to research.
Advanced Legal Writing - LAWS 6226
Builds on skills learned in the first-year legal writing course to improve written legal analysis. Students will complete multiple written assignments and will receive individual feedback on their work. Sections vary significantly depending on the professor; please check the Legal Writing page of the Colorado Law website to read each professor's course description.
Advanced Oil & Gas Law - LAWS 7302
Covers the history of oil and gas conservation and its regulation, proration and allowable regulation, compulsory pooling and unitization, permitting and environment regulation, and the interplay between federal, state and local regulation. Requires LAWS 7102 Oil & Gas.
Advanced Torts - LAWS 7475
Studies selected tort actions and theories. Topics covered may include "dignitary torts" (e.g., defamation, privacy, etc.), business torts, and product liability.
Advanced Transactional Drafting - LAWS 7071
Provides students with the opportunity to further develop skills gained in LAWS 7051 and put them to use in simulations and business contexts across various areas of practice. Students will be asked to draft industry specific contract provisions, revise existing contracts, counsel and negotiate on behalf of clients and work through ethical dilemmas encountered by transactional attorneys.
Advanced Trial Advocacy - LAWS 7159
An advanced course covering trial practice elements. Open only to students who have taken Trial Advocacy. Uses pass/grading.
Advanced Water Law - LAWS 7312
Builds on the study of basic water law principles for those interested in practicing in this field. Explores in more detail the highly developed legal and administrative system of water law in Colorado and other states, including the use of special courts to adjudicate the existence of water rights and approve changes of use. Prereq: LAWS 6302 (Water Resources)
Agency, Partnership and the LLC - LAWS 6201
Surveys agency law, whose principles are important in many other areas of law. Studies the legal organizations commonly used by small businesses: partnerships and limited liability companies (LLCs). Students who take this course cannot also receive course credit for Business Associations (LAWS 7621).
American Indian Law Clinic - LAWS 7309
Emphasizes the practice of federal and tribal Indian law. Students will represent individuals and Indian tribes in matters involving: the Indian Child Welfare Act, enforcement of federal and tribal rights, and code development. Focuses on select current Indian law topics and development of lawyering skills.
American Indian Law I - LAWS 7725
Investigation of the federal statutory, decisional, and constitutional law that bears upon American Indians, tribal governments, and Indian reservation transactions.
American Indian Law II - LAWS 7735
This course will investigate the legal history and current legal status of Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians. It will also address other current topics such as tribal water rights, tribal fishing and hunting rights, tribal justice systems, religious freedom, and tribal natural resource and environmental management. Prerequisite: LAWS 7725.
American Legal History - LAWS 7155
Explores the history of American law from the Constitution to the twenty-first century Global War on Terror. It covers topics including the law of slavery and freedom, the development of civil rights law, business regulation and deregulation, the origins of the administrative state, and the rise of the conservative legal movement. Throughout, the course emphasizes the ways that political and economic change shapes the law and the practical effect law has on social movements.
Analytical Strategies - LAWS 7350
Develops analytical, writing and problem-solving skills necessary to pass the bar exam and succeed in practice. Designed for third-year law students in their final semester. Students will improve their techniques for analyzing, organizing and writing responses to essay and performance test questions through frequent written exercises and individual feedback on those exercises.
Antitrust - LAWS 7201
Studies American competition policy: collaborations among competitors, including agreements on price and boycotts, definition of agreement, monopolization, vertical restraints such as resale price maintenance and territorial confinement of dealers.
Appellate Advocacy Competition - LAWS 7529
Participation in an intermural appellate advocacy competition, in which a brief must be filed and reviewed, critiqued, and deemed credit-worthy by a member of the faculty. (Law School Rule 3-2-9 [b] should be consulted prior to enrollment.)
Appellate Advocacy Practicum - LAWS 7029
Offers the opportunity to represent parties in federal and state civil appeals. Students draft opening briefs in the fall semester, and draft reply briefs and appear for oral argument in the spring. Prior appellate advocacy experience will be helpful. Enrollment is limited to six students.
Applied Evidence - LAWS 6383
Provides the opportunity to improve the legal writing and analytical skills by practicing written analysis based on the law of Evidence. Professors Griffin and Bloom designed materials specifically for this course, which is designed to be taken concurrently with Professor Bloom's Evidence class. Student receive individual feedback on every exercise and assignment.
Arbitration - LAWS 7751
Discusses the nature of arbitration, enforcement of arbitration agreements and awards, complexities of multi-party arbitrations, fairness and efficiency of the arbitral process, and other issues related to arbitration's prevalence in contexts ranging from corporate to consumer and employment disputes.
Argument and Persuasion in American Law - LAWS 4808
Artificial Intelligence and the Law - LAWS 6631
This course will investigate emerging legal frameworks being created to address the uses of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) across society, by private parties and public actors alike. Students will survey laws from the United States, as well as other countries. They will discuss how AI is shaping the practice of law itself. The course draws a thread through many practice areas to ask: what are the consistent challenges of regulating AI systems?
Bankruptcy - LAWS 7021
Explores the role of debt, credit, and debt forgiveness in American capitalist society. The course begins with an overview of the state court collection procedures, and then teaches the main provisions of the three primary chapters of the Bankruptcy Code dealing with personal and corporate bankruptcies (Chapters 7, 11, and 13).
Barristers Council - LAWS 7116
Bioethics and Law - LAWS 7415
Provides an interdisciplinary study of law and bioethics. Students will read legal cases and clinical bioethics material to understand how the law has attempted to unify the goals of the two disciplines.
Business Associations - LAWS 7621
Covers the law of agency, partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations. It includes principles of agency, formation and operation of business entities, fiduciary duties of the actors in business entities, and the relevant federal and state laws related to those entities. Students who take this course cannot receive course credit for Corporations (LAWS 6211) or Agency, Partnership and the LLC (LAWS 6201).
Business Planning - LAWS 7211
Focuses on the development and use of concepts derived from a number of legal areas in the context of business planning and counseling. Topics such as formation of business entities, sale of a business, recapitalization, division, reorganization and dissolution are considered. Prerequisite: Income Taxation (LAWS 6007).
Business Transactions - LAWS 7601
Course provides a practical understanding of how to apply the law in both transactional and litigation settings. Gives an interdisciplinary look at how various areas of the law are brought together in common factual settings, focusing on technology transactions.
Capital Punishment in America - LAWS 6528
Surveys the history and current status of capital punishment in the United States, with a critical examination of arguments both for and against the death penalty.
Civil Practice Clinic I - LAWS 6009
Emphasizes procedural and practical remedies and defenses available in civil litigation. In conjunction with this course, students will be assigned civil cases related to the course material. Develops working knowledge of courtroom skills.
Civil Practice Clinic II - LAWS 6019
A continuation of Legal Aid Civil Practice I. Emphasizes procedural and practical remedies and defenses available in civil litigation. In conjunction with this course, students will be assigned civil cases related to the course material. Develops working knowledge of courtroom skills. Prerequisite or corequisite: Evidence LAWS 6353-3.
Civil Procedure - LAWS 5303
Studies modern practice in civil suits, including rules governing pleading, joinder of parties, discovery, jurisdiction of courts over the subject matter and parties, right to jury trial, appeals, and res judicata and collateral estoppel, with emphasis on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and their Colorado counterpart.
Civil Rights - LAWS 7025
Presents a comprehensive study of federal civil rights statutes briefly reviewed in other courses (e.g., Constitutional Law or Federal Courts). Studies federal civil rights statutes, their judicial application, and their interrelationships as a discretely significant body of law of increasing theoretical interest and practical importance.
Climate Change Law and Policy - LAWS 6712
Examines the science of climate change and the broader role of science in public policymaking. Reviews the changing legal landscape to abate greenhouse gas emissions, and key issues in policy design. Reviews the Supreme Court's April 2nd, 2007 decision in Massachusetts v. EPA, overturning EPA's refusal to regulate greenhouse gas pollution from motor vehicle tailpipes, and the aftermath in the courts, Executive Branch and Congress.
Climate Justice - LAWS 6702
This course introduces the field of climate justice and seeks to identify legal and policy tools for advancing fair outcomes in climate change decision-making. Climate justice is concerned with the intersection of race and/or indigeneity, poverty, and climate change. This course will examine climate impacts globally and identify the strengths and weaknesses of international and domestic legal and policy frameworks regarding the most vulnerable.
Colorado Environmental Law Journal - LAWS 7916
Participation in the research, writing, and editing activities involved in publishing the Colorado Environmental Law Journal.
Colorado Environmental Law Journal - LAWS 7926
Participation in the research, writing, and editing activities involved in publishing the Colorado Environmental Law Journal.
Colorado Legal Research - LAWS 6866
Surveys resources and methods to effectively research Colorado law. Covers primary and secondary resources including Colorado statutes, cases and digests, regulations, and constitution and practice materials. Covers how to research Colorado municipal law and other Colorado topics.
Colorado Workers Compensation Theory and Practice - LAWS 6541
Introduces the legal theories that underlie the no-fault compensation system, its historical evolution, policy conundrums, and ethical quandaries. Teaches the application of the procedural rules most frequently utilized in administrative setting. Studies the Workers' Compensation Act, the Workers' Compensation Rules of Procedure, and the Office of Administrative Courts Rules of Procedure.
Communications For Compliance Professionals - LAWS 9226
Develops the tools students will need to thrive in the law school's MSL program. Deepens students' understanding of the United States legal system and develops their ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in writing and orally to their intended audience, and research, organize and explain their ideas clearly, using appropriate writing conventions.
Community Collaboration Law Lab - LAWS 6209
Provide legal and policy advice, guidance and representation related to sustainable development with a focus on fostering social enterprise, healthy communities and poverty reduction.
Comparative Family Law - LAWS 7145
Examines and critiques law, legal institutions and traditions of the country of focus and the US as they affect children, families, and work. Enhances research and writing skills, including field and international research. Contributes to host country through scholarship and service. Increases cultural competence through active engagement with peers and with social justice issues in another country. Includes required field study component and service learning project over spring break.
Comparative Law on Indigenous Peoples - LAWS 7640
This course examines and compares the treatment of Indigenous peoples by the legal systems of a sampling of countries in the Western Hemisphere and elsewhere. The course will also compare the foreign legal regimes examined to relevant United States law and to international standards, with the aim of critically assessing the comparative adequacy of U.S. law in this context and exploring potential reforms in U.S. law that might be informed by legal developments in other countries. Students will gain knowledge of the similarities and differences in the foundational characteristics of diverse legal systems and of their histories and political contexts
Complex Civil Litigation - LAWS 7303
Covers civil procedure in modern complex multiparty suits, including class actions in such settings as employment discrimination and mass torts, and problems in discovery, joinder, res judicata, collateral estoppel and judicial management in such suits.
Compliance - LAWS 6221
How does a corporation establish and manage expectations for the conduct of its work force? What does a corporation need to do to keep itself out of the headlines for scandals, and how should it respond to problems when they arise? This course will explore these topics. It will cover the requirements for corporate compliance programs and the key components of them, including the role of the audit committee, internal audit, and ethics and compliance. It will also look closely at a few different compliance regimes, including Sarbanes Oxley, the privacy and security components of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the evolution of other data privacy standards like 'Do Not Track,' and the anti-corruption standards of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act.
Computer Crime - LAWS 6321
Explores the legal issues that judges, legislators, prosecutors, and defense attorneys are confronting as they respond to the recent explosion in computer-related crime. Includes the Fourth Amendment in cyberspace, the law of electronic surveillance, computer hacking and other computer crimes, encryption, online economic espionage, cyberterrorism, First Amendment in cyberspace, federal/state relations in the enforcement of computer crime laws, and civil liberties online.
Conflict of Laws - LAWS 6108
Addresses the conflicts that arise when the significant facts of a case are connected with more than one jurisdiction, whether that jurisdiction belongs to a state, the federal government, or a foreign government. The subject is studied in its theoretical and historical context, with special emphasis on the international aspects of extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Constitutional Law - LAWS 6005
Studies constitutional structure: judicial review, federalism, separation of powers; and constitutional rights of due process and equal protection.
Construction Law - LAWS 6114
Focuses on the basic principles and practices of construction law. Provides an overview of construction industry participants and players (engineers, contractors, insurers) and discusses and analyzes the various obligations and liabilities of these parties. Covers construction and design contracting, construction claims, professional negligence, construction insurance and suretyship and ADR in construction. Provides transactional-practice oriented exercises.
Consumer Protection Laws and Policies - LAWS 6031
Focuses on deceptive trade practices and consumer rights. Reviews the law of deception/misrepresentation at common law, and federal and state laws regarding unfair acts and practices. Covers credit practices, environmental and health claims, and telecommunications and privacy. Discusses remedies, including governmental enforcement actions, and individual and class actions.
Contracts - LAWS 5121
Covers basic principles of contract liability; offer and acceptance; consideration; statute of frauds; contract remedies; the parol evidence rule; performance of contracts; conditions; effect of changed circumstances; and other issues related to contract formation and enforcement.
Copyright - LAWS 7301
Examines state and federal laws relating to the protection of works of authorship ranging from traditional works to computer programs. Studies the1976 Copyright Act as well as relevant earlier acts. Gives attention to state laws, such as interference with contractual relations, the right of publicity, moral right, protection of ideas and misappropriation of trade values, that supplement federal copyright.
Corporate Taxation - LAWS 6157
Examines the federal income taxation of "subchapter C" corporations and their shareholders. Topics may include choice of entity, operations, distributions, redemptions, formations, liquidations, taxable asset and stock acquisitions, and tax-free reorganizations (that is, mergers and acquisitions). Prerequisite: Income Taxation (LAWS 6007).
Corporate Transactions in Health Law - LAWS 7565
This course introduces key corporate and regulatory issues impacting the delivery of health care. The course focus will be transactional, with students first gaining an understanding of basic corporate law and regulatory principles, and then learning to integrate core federal and state laws into choice and use of corporate structures and operational strategies. As the health care industry undergoes tremendous consolidation and reorganization in response to the changing market and environment ushered in by the Affordable Care Act, the course will examine health care transactions from both the hospital's and the physician's perspective.
Corporations - LAWS 6211
Covers formation of corporations and their management; relations among shareholders, officers, and directors; the impact of federal legislation on directors' duties; and the special problems of closed corporations. Students who take this course cannot also receive course credit for Business Associations (LAWS 7621).
Courtroom Observation Civil - LAWS 5323
This course, available to first year students only, is an elective course, not required. It will require students to spend fifteen hours observing actual civil proceedings in a courtroom or courtrooms, to attend a two-hour class meeting every other week, and to prepare and submit a journal recording his or her observations. Figuring out how to gain access to appropriate proceedings is part of the student's work, although the professor is available for advice and guidance if needed. The professor will also read and evaluate the students' journals; encourage sharing and reflection on their experiences; suggest further research when useful to address perplexities or confusion encountered during their observations; and provide information designed to clarify and enrich their observations. The course is pass-fail, and the size of a section is limited to 20.
Courtroom Observation Criminal - LAWS 5513
This course, available to first year students only, is an elective course, not required. It will require students to spend fifteen hours observing actual criminal proceedings in a courtroom or courtrooms, to attend a two-hour class meeting every other week, and to prepare and submit a journal recording his or her observations. Figuring out how to gain access to appropriate proceedings is part of the student's work, although the professor is available for advice and guidance if needed. The professor will also read and evaluate the students' journals; encourage sharing and reflection on their experiences; suggest further research when useful to address perplexities or confusion encountered during their observations; and provide information designed to clarify and enrich their observations. The course is pass-graded, and the size of a section is limited to 20.
Courtroom Observation International - LAWS 5803
This course, available to first year students only, is an elective course, not required. It will require students to spend fifteen hours observing proceedings before an international tribunal or tribunals, to attend a two-hour class meeting every other week, and to prepare and submit a journal recording his or her observations. The proceedings observed will be available streaming online, and the professor will provide guidance and information about how to gain access to them. The professor will also read and evaluate the students' journals; encourage sharing and reflection on their experiences; suggest further research when useful to address perplexities or confusion encountered during their observations; and provide information designed to clarify and enrich their observations. The course is pass-fail, and the size of a section is limited to 20.
Creditors' Remedies and Debtors' Protections - LAWS 7011
Examines typical state rights and procedures for the enforcement of claims and federal and state law limitations providing protection to debtors in the process. Includes prejudgment remedies, statutory and equitable remedies, fraudulent conveyance principles, and exemptions and other judicial protections afforded debtors.
Criminal and Immigration Defense Clinic - LAWS 6029
Provides thorough grounding in problems of criminal defense. Students defend indigent misdemeanants in Boulder courts. Develops working knowledge of courtroom skills.
Criminal Defense Clinic - LAWS 6079
Provides a thorough grounding in problems of criminal defense. Students will defend indigent misdemeanants. Develops working knowledge of courtroom skills, advocacy, and evidence presentation. Concludes with full mock trial.
Criminal Defense Clinic II - LAWS 6039
Provides a thorough grounding in problems of criminal defense. Students will defend indigent misdemeanants in Boulder courts. Develops working knowledge of courtroom skills.
Criminal Justice Policy and Practice - LAWS 7315
Focuses on policy and practice issues rather than case law. Examines how American criminal justice is (and has been) dispensed in the vast majority of cases that never reach trial. Devotes attention to systemic issues rather than case-specific problems. Studies policy behavior, prosecutorial charging and bargaining discretion, the provision of defense services, bail and preventive detention, plea negotiation, and sentencing--aspects of the criminal process that affect huge volumes of cases and require thought in global terms.
Criminal Law - LAWS 5503
Statutory and common law of crimes and defenses, the procedures by which the law makes judgments as to criminality of conduct, the purposes of the criminal law, and the constitutional limits upon it.
Criminal Procedure: Adjudicative Process - LAWS 7045
Criminal Procedure at the University of Colorado School of Law is taught in two parts. This second part, "The Adjudicative Phase," focuses primarily on criminal procedure at and after trial. It examines such topics as bail, prosecutorial discretion, discovery, plea-bargains, speedy trial, jury trial, right to counsel at trial, double jeopardy, and appeal.
Criminal Procedure: Investigative Phase - LAWS 6045
Criminal Procedure at the University of Colorado School of Law is taught in two parts. This first part, "The Investigative Process," focuses primarily on the constitutional limitations applicable to police investigative techniques such as arrest, search, seizure, electronic surveillance, interrogation, and lineup identification.
Cultural Property Law - LAWS 6602
Concerns domestic and international regulation of property that expresses group identity and experience. Organized around traditional categories of property (real, personal, and intellectual), the course covers historic preservation, archaeological resources, art and museum law, with attention to indigenous peoples' advocacy on burial sites, traditional lands, ceremonies, music, symbols, ethnobotany, genetic information, and language.
Cybersecurity - LAWS 7361
Introduces students to the laws that regulate the basic technologies of the Internet and the management of information in the digital age. It examines the most significant statutes, regulations, and common law principles that comprise this emerging legal framework, including the Federal Wiretap Act, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Deals Lab - LAWS 6271
Provides an umbrella for several advanced business law sections, each of which provides an intensive intellectual experience for law students by requiring them to connect deep concepts and knowledge from basic business courses to complex transactional environments. Students are required to solve client problems and negotiate transactions in the face of intricate and conflicting legal regimes that sprawl across doctrinal fields. Examples of specific offerings include Advanced Venture Capital; Advanced Securities Offerings; Advanced Securities Regulation (Investment Funds, Intermediaries, and Markets); and Advanced Mergers & Acquisitions. Because these are advanced courses, students must first take the relevant introductory substantive course (e.g., Venture Capital or Mergers & Acquisitions or Securities Regulation).
Deals: Engineering Financial Transactions - LAWS 7101
Explores the business lawyer's role in creating value by helping clients identify, assess, and manage business risks through efficient contract design while achieving the optimal legal, tax or regulatory treatment for the deal. Includes case studies of actual transactions.
Deposition Skills - LAWS 6119
Provides valuable skills to assume active roles in the deposition process. Explores why and when to take depositions; drafting and objecting to deposition notices for individual deponents, non-party witnesses, and corporate designees; drafting successful outlines, proper questions and objections; using exhibits; furthering case theory, making and using stipulations; using depositions in pretrial motions and at trial.
Disability Rights - LAWS 6555
Explores the theories of disability, including whether disability is the product of society/social construction or medicine. The course will then explore some of the major federal protections for disability, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodations, and the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act.
Dispute Resolution Digital Age - LAWS 7461
Explores the need for expanded and equalized access to remedies in consumer cases, and how the internet opens doors to online dispute resolution (?ODR?) systems that utilize cost-effective negotiation, mediation, and arbitration processes for resolving complaints. ODR has its drawbacks, but it can be especially effective and satisfying for low dollar claims such as those in most consumer contexts because of its efficiencies. ODR also has potential to ease power imbalances that have hindered market regulation. Accordingly, this course will look at the various systems currently used by major companies such as eBay, as well as the rules and treaty developments in global markets. We also will do ODR simulation exercises, led by Colin Rule, who has been a leader in creating ODR systems. The class also will include deep consideration of both the potential and drawbacks of ODR systems. All ODR processes are not beneficial, and thus we will also discuss development of best practices and question policy directions.
Domestic Violence - LAWS 7513
Explores the law, policy, history and theory of domestic violence. Students will approach legal aspects of the problems from a variety of perspectives, which may include criminal justice, family law, civil rights law, tort and/or international human rights. The course examines the limits of legal methods and remedies for holding batterers accountable and keeping victims safe. Students will also study such topics as the dynamics of abusive relationships; the history of the criminal justice system's response to domestic violence; the defenses available to battered persons who kill their abusers; the legal paradigm of the sympathetic victim; psychological and feminist theories about abusive relationships; civil rights and tort liability for batters and third parties; and the intersection of domestic violence with international human rights. The goal of the course is to provide practical information about the challenges involved in legal advocacy for battered persons, as well as theoretical, ethical and historical approaches to the problem of domestic violence.