Philip J. Weiser
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Telecommunications Law; Internet Law; Antitrust Law; Intellectual Property; Constitutional Law
401 UCB
2450 Kittredge Loop Drive
Wolf Law Building Room 470B
Boulder, CO 80309-0401
Educational Background: | |||
J.D. | New York University School of Law | 1994 | with High Honors |
B.A. | Swarthmore College | 1990 | with High Honors |
Phil Weiser is the Hatfield Professor of Law and Telecommunications, and Executive Director and Founder of the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado. From June 2011-July 2016, Professor Weiser served as Dean after re-joining the Colorado faculty in June, 2011. From April 2010-June 2011, he served as the Senior Advisor for Technology and Innovation to the National Economic Council Director at the White House. From July 2009-April 2010, he served as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice's Antitrust Division.
Since first joining the CU faculty in 1999, Professor Weiser has worked to establish a national center of excellence in telecommunications and technology law, founding the Journal on Telecommunications & High Technology Law and the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship as well as writing and teaching in the areas of competition policy, innovation policy, and Internet policy. Over the last several years, Weiser has co-authored three books (Digital Crossroads: American Telecommunications Policy in the Internet Age (MIT Press 2013) (with Jon Nuechterlein), Telecommunications Law and Policy (Carolina Academic Press 2012) (With Stuart Benjamin, Howard Shelanski & James Speta), and The Jury and Democracy: How Jury Deliberation Promotes Civic Engagement and Political Participation (Oxford University Press 2010), written numerous articles (in both law journals and publications such as the Washington Post and Foreign Affairs), and testified before both houses of Congress. He also remained engaged in public service, arguing a number of pro bono cases before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, co-chairing the Colorado Innovation Council, and serving as the lead agency reviewer for the Federal Trade Commission as part of the 2008 Presidential Transition.
Prior to joining the Colorado Law faculty, Professor Weiser served as senior counsel to the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division at the United States Department of Justice, advising him primarily on telecommunications matters. Before his appointment at the Justice Department, Weiser served as a law clerk to Justices Byron R. White and Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the United States Supreme Court and to Judge David Ebel at the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. Weiser graduated with high honors from both the New York University School of Law and Swarthmore College.
Visiting Professorships:
New York University, Fall 2008
University of Pennsylvania Law School, Fall 2006
Princeton Law and Public Affairs Program, Fall 2001 & Spring 2002
Published Books:
Digital Crossroads: American Telecommunications Policy in the Internet Age (MIT Press 2013) (with Jon Nuechterlein). For an event focused on the book, check here.
Telecommunications Law and Policy (Carolina Academic Press 2012) (With Stuart Benjamin, Howard Shelanski & James Speta). For the table of contents and chapter one, check here.
The Jury and Democracy: How Jury Deliberation Promotes Civic Engagement and Political Participation (with Gastil, Deess, and Simmons) (Oxford University Press 2010)
Digital Crossroads: American Telecommunications Policy in the Internet Age (MIT Press 2005) (with Jon Nuechterlein). For the table of contents check here; for Chapter One check here; for a paper based on the book check here.
Unlocking Spectrum Value through Improved Allocation, Assignment, and Adjudication of Spectrum Rights (2014) (with Pierre de Vries) (The Brookings Institution).
The Untapped Promise of Wireless Spectrum (The Brookings Institution 2008).
A Framework For National Broadband Policy (Aspen Institute 2008).
Popular Press:
Why Law Schools Need to Teach More Than the Law to Thrive (or Survive), ABA Journal (June 20, 2016) (with Chad Asarch).
How law firms are innovating when it comes to hiring, ABA Journal (July 15, 2015).
What net neutrality means for Colorado, and why you should care, Colorado Public Radio (May 21, 2014).
Don't let the regulatory past be the prologue for Uber, Denver Post (April 9, 2014).
Professionalism in the New Normal, 42 The Colorado Lawyer 49 (October 2013).
Five Initiatives that Legal Education Needs, ABA Journal (September 26, 2013).
In the New Normal, Entrepreneurship a Must, Law Week Colorado (July 18, 2013).
Broadband For All, Rocky Mountain News (April 12, 2008).
A Third Way on Net Neutrality, New Atlantis (Summer 2006).
Which Broadband Nation?, Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 2005).
The Behemoth Is Dead. Long Live the Behemoth, Washington Post (Sunday, February 27, 2005).
Teaching an Entrepreneurial Mindset to Everyone
Five Lens for Understanding Technology Policy
The Quad Framework for Understanding Law School
Hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Energy and Commerce on Competition in the Communications Marketplace: How Technology Is Changing the Structure of the Industry.
Federal Trade Commission Hearing on Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy
Special Master Service
Development of a performance assurance plan for the Colorado PUC
Entrepreneurial Administration, 97 Boston University Law Review 2011 (2017). |
Weiser (with Scott Hemphill), Bringing Reality to the Law of Predatory Pricing, 127 Yale L.J. 2048 (2017). |
Weiser (with Joe Waz), Internet Governance: The Role of Multistakeholder Organizations, 10 J. on Telecom & High Tech. L. 331 (2013). |
Towards an International Dialogue on the Institutional Side of Antitrust, 66 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 445 (2011). |
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Information Age, 9 J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 1 (2011). |
Weiser (with Gideon Parchomovsky), Beyond Fair Use, 96 Cornell L. Rev. 91 (2010). |
Regulating Interoperability: Lessons From AT&T, Microsoft, and Beyond, 76 Antitrust L.J. 271 (2009). |
Weiser (with Marius Schwartz), Introduction to a Special Issue on Network Neutrality, 8 Review of Network Economics 1 (2009). |
The Future of Internet Regulation, 43 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 529 (2009). |
Institutional Design, FCC Reform, and the Hidden Side of the Administrative State, 61 Administrative Law Review 675 (2009). |
The Next Frontier for Network Neutrality, 50 Admin. L. Rev. 273 (2008). |
Weiser (with Dale N. Hatfield), Property Rights in Spectrum: A Reply to Hazlett, 15 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 1025 (2008). |
Reexamining the Legacy of Dual Regulation: Reforming Dual Merger Review by the DOJ and the FCC, 61 Fed. Comm. L.J. 167 (2008) (Conference: The Enduring Lessons of the Breakup of AT&T: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective). (2008). |
Alfred Kahn As A Case Study of A Political Entrepreneur, 7 Review of Network Economics 601 (2008). |
Weiser (with Dale Hatfield and Brad Bernthal), The Future of 9-1-1: New Technologies and the Need for Reform, 6 J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 213 (2008). |
Weiser (with Dale Hatfield), Spectrum Policy Reform and the Next Frontier of Property Rights, 15 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 549 (2008).
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Communicating During Emergencies: Toward Interoperability and Effective Information Management, 59 Fed. Comm. L.J. 547 (2007). |
Weiser (with Mark Lemley), Should Property or Liability Rules Govern Information?, 85 Tex. L. Rev. 783 (2007). |
Weiser (with Dale Hatfield), In Pursuit of a Next Generation Network for Public Safety Communications, 16 CommLaw Conspectus - Journal of Communications Law and Policy 97 (2007).
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Weiser (with Kyle Dixon), A Digital Age Communications Act Paradigm for Federal-State Relations, 4 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 321 (2006). |
Weiser (with John Gastil), Jury Service as an Invitation to Citizenship: Assessing the Civic Value of Institutionalized Deliberation, 34 Policy Studies J. 605 (2006). |
The Relationship of Antitrust and Regulation In A Deregulatory Era, 50 Antitrust Bulletin 549 (2005). |
Weiser (with Dale Hatfield), Policing the Spectrum Commons, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 101 (2005). |
The Ghost of Telecommunications Past, 103 Mich. L. Rev. 101 (2005) (reviewing Paul Starr's The Creation of the Media) (2004). |
The Internet, Innovation, and Intellectual Property Policy, 103 Colum. L. Rev. 534 (2003). |
Weiser (with Joseph Farrell), Modularity, Vertical Integration and Open Access Policies: Towards A Convergence of Antitrust and Regulation in The Internet Age, 17 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 85 (2003). |
Toward A Next Generation Regulatory Regime, 35 Loy. L. Rev. 101 (2003). |
Goldwasser, the Telecom Act, and Reflections on Antitrust Remedies, 55 Admin. L. Rev. 1 (2003). |
Regulatory Challenges and Models of Regulation, 2 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 1 (2003). |
Law and Information Platforms, 1 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 1 (2002). |
Cooperative Federalism, Federal Common Law, and The Enforcement of the Telecom Act, 66 N.Y.U. L. Rev. (2001). |
Other Publications
Weiser (with Gabor Molnar & Eric Brosseau), International Spectrum Workshop Report, SSRN, Dec. 4, 2017.. |
What Carrier Doesn't Address, 61 Ala. L. Rev. 571 (Review: Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law). (2010). |
Book Chapters
Making The World Safe For Standard Setting in The Impact of Globalization on the United States. Vol. 2, Law and Governance, Beverly Crawford, ed. (2008).
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Rethinking Merger Remedies: Toward a Harmonization of Regulatory Oversight with Antitrust Merger Review, in Antitrust and Regulation in the EU and US: Legal and Economic Perspectives (Francois Leveque & Howard Shelanski eds.) (2008).. |
Selected Press, Media & Publicity
Spring 2021 | Supreme Court Decision Making | LAWS 7013-801 |
Fall 2019 | Antitrust | LAWS 7201-801 |
Spring 2019 | Seminar: Law and Economics of the Information Age | LAWS 8341-801 |
Fall 2018 | Antitrust | LAWS 7201-801 |
Fall 2017 | Telecommunications and Internet Law and Policy | LAWS 7241-001 |
Fall 2017 | Seminar: Law and Economics of the Information Age | LAWS 8341-801 |
Spring 2017 | Antitrust | LAWS 7201-001 |
Spring 2017 | Antitrust | LAWS 7201-902 |
Spring 2016 | Legal Ethics, Professionalism, and Creative Problem Solving | LAWS 5203-801 |
Spring 2016 | Framing and Legal Narrative | LAWS 5211-801 |
Fall 2014 | Telecommunications and Internet Law and Policy | LAWS 7241-001 |
Spring 2014 | Entrep Innovation and Public Policy | LAWS 5201-802 |
Spring 2013 | Entrep Innovation and Public Policy | LAWS 5201-801 |
Spring 2013 | Framing and Legal Narrative | LAWS 5211-801 |
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With our roots in Colorado and a global outlook, we are ...
a supportive and diverse educational and scholarly community in a place that inspires vigorous pursuit of ideas, critical analysis, contemplation, and civic engagement to advance knowledge about the law in an open, just society.
Our Mission
To be an outstanding public law school that: provides students with a state-of-the-art legal education and prepares them to serve wisely and with professionalism; advances the development of knowledge through scholarship, testing of new ideas, and challenges to the status quo; and serves as a vehicle and catalyst for meaningful public service, all of which deliver high value to our students and have positive impacts?both locally and globally?on the legal profession and society.