Tiffany Todd

Adjunct Faculty

401 UCB
2450 Kittredge Loop Drive
Wolf Law Building
Boulder, CO  80309


Tiffany Todd is an attorney in the General Counsel's Office at Western Union, a global company with over 11,000 employees, where she supports the Global Employment, Benefits and Labor Law Group. Tiffany formerly worked in Western Union's Ethics Office handling internal investigations, conflicts of interest, and other global ethics and compliance matters. Prior to joining Western Union, Tiffany worked as an employment law attorney in the legal department at Arrow Electronics and as an associate at the law firm Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck. In her role as an in-house attorney, Tiffany strives to enable the organization to accomplish business objectives while appropriately managing risk and ensuring employees are treated equitably. Tiffany is a 2009 graduate of the University of Colorado Law School.


Fall 2020 Topics in Compliance LAWS 9222-901

Our Vision

With our roots in Colorado and a global outlook, we are ...

a supportive and diverse educational and scholarly community in a place that inspires vigorous pursuit of ideas, critical analysis, contemplation, and civic engagement to advance knowledge about the law in an open, just society.

Our Mission

To be an outstanding public law school that: provides students with a state-of-the-art legal education and prepares them to serve wisely and with professionalism; advances the development of knowledge through scholarship, testing of new ideas, and challenges to the status quo; and serves as a vehicle and catalyst for meaningful public service, all of which deliver high value to our students and have positive impacts?both locally and globally?on the legal profession and society.