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Austin W. Scott, Jr. Lecture Series

The Government's Speech and the Constitution

Join us for the 45th annual Austin W. Scott, Jr. Lecture featuring Professor Helen Norton. In this talk, Professor Norton will discuss the uses and abuses of the government’s expressive powers through the lens of constitutional law. When we discuss constitutional law, we usually focus on the constitutional rules that apply to what the government does. Far less clear are the constitutional rules that apply to what the government says. Governments must speak in order to govern, and so governments have been speaking for as long as there have been governments--from early proclamations and simple pamphlets, to the electronic media of radio and television, and ultimately to today’s digital age. When does the speech of this unusually powerful speaker violate our constitutional rights and liberties? And under what circumstances does the Constitution prohibit our government from lying to us? Professor Norton will discuss how the government’s speech has changed the world for better and for worse, and why the government’s speech deserves our attention—and at times our concern.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact or (303) 492-8048.

Event Details

CLE Credits
General: 1
Ethics: 0