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Conference: Copyright Policy and the Future of Television

The digital age raises complex challenges for copyright law and policy. During the past few years, new conflicts have emerged between copyright holders and those developing new technology. These conflicts will influence the future of television, which is facing a series of pressures similar to those that have disrupted a range of information industries (newspapers, music, land-line telephone service, etc.). In particular, the "cord-cutting" trend—in which a host of new technology services are providing access to copyrighted programming over the Internet—has been described as a potential death knell for traditional TV. A series of lawsuits brought in recent years, including the Cablevision remote DVR case, the DISH Hopper litigation, and the cases against Aereo and FilmOn, highlight the conflict and promise to shape copyright law in important ways. Most notably, these cases raise critical questions about two important lines of copyright doctrine—the public versus private performance distinction, and the fair use defense. From a business perspective, the cases will influence not only the future of the TV marketplace, but also the dynamics of paid-advertising and emerging business models. This conference will bring together a series of leading scholars, practitioners, and business executives to discuss the copyright law issues and their business implications.

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