Course Description

LAWS 7105
Family Law
General Description:
This course will address the legal rules regulating the family, examining in detail the rules of marriage and divorce. The course will focus in particular on how these rules differ depending on whether the family is wealthy or poor, traditional or nontraditional, self-supporting or receiving public aid. This course will cut across traditional law school disciplines, such as civil, criminal, and constitutional law. We will consider some of the following important and complex questions: What is a "family"? This theme will arise throughout the course as we examine how the definition of "family" varies according to the context, reflecting society's values and policy goals. How does, and how should, family law address nontraditional families? How do race, gender, and class affect family law?

Select Term:

LAWS 7105-801

Instructor(s): Jennifer Hendricks

Meeting Times & Locations:
   Tue,Thu   10:00 AM - 11:15 AM   WLAW 306