Course Description

LAWS 6401
Investigating Allegations of Bribery, Human Trafficking, and Related Misconduct
General Description:
We, as consumers, expect that the products we purchase will not be tainted by bribery, corruption, or any form of forced labor (including trafficked and child labor). This interactive class examines private practitioners' role in the fight, including their role as lawyers investigating allegations of misconduct, interacting with US and foreign authorities, conducting due diligence, and ensuring compliance. The legal market recognizes the need for lawyers who understand these rapidly developing areas of law. This class is designed to give students that competitive advantage.

Select Term:

LAWS 6401-001

Instructor(s): T. Markus Funk

Meeting Times & Locations:
   Tue   5:30 PM - 6:20 PM   WLAW 206

LAWS 6401-902

Instructor(s): T. Markus Funk

Meeting Times & Locations:
   Tue   5:30 PM - 6:20 PM   WLAW 206