CU Law Profiles
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What made you decide to come to the University of Colorado School of Law specifically?

Alumnus Answers
Lucienne Boyd
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I love Colorado. Also, CU is a bargain.

Judd Choate
Alumnus: Class of 2006

When Lyn took the job at CSU, there were only three schools within driving distance (CU, UW, and DU) and, obviously, CU was the best. So, I applied to CU.

Crisanta Duran
Alumnus: Class of 2005

I love Colorado and plan on practicing here in the future. The law school?s small size, stimulating intellectual environment, and stellar reputation in Colorado?s legal community convinced me to attend. Not to mention, our law school is one of the least-expensive top tier law schools in the country!

Todd Fredrickson
Alumnus: Class of 1991

Dan Vigil, the outstanding faculty, and the School's commitment to diversity.

Diane Lee
Alumnus: Class of 2006

The people and community atmosphere at the school.

Brian Mason
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I was looking for a top caliber law school -- and I was looking to come home. CU Law School was a perfect match on both counts. It's a top national law school and is located in my home state of Colorado.

I was also particularly drawn to CU Law School because of its strength in constitutional law.

Sarah Mercer
Alumnus: Class of 2007

Location. I knew that I wanted to be back in Colorado. In addition, the reputation of the faculty really impressed me.

Alison Ochs
Alumnus: Class of 2005

It is a beautiful campus with a great reputation in the legal community.

Siddhartha Rathod
Alumnus: Class of 2007

The small size, the environment, and the friendly nature of the school.

Katie Roenbaugh
Alumnus: Class of 2007

My family is only about a six hour drive away, and it?s nice not to have to hop on a plane to go home for a holiday. Also, we were tired of living in a large city, and wanted something more natural and rural in nature, something less like Chicago, where we were previously. More importantly, though CU has an excellent academic reputation. Its really a diamond in the rough ? we think it?s the best school on the front range ? professors respected in their fields, balanced and interesting students, and finally. . .a new building!

Laurie Rust
Alumnus: Class of 2006

CU has an amazing sense of community. I came here because law school is about more than just studying. I wanted to be surrounded by students who are passionate about their work and eager to engage in intellectual dialog both in and out of the classroom.

In addition, CU Law is an amazing value. The debt burden here is much lower than the other schools I was looking at.

Rita Sanzgiri
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I was already living in Boulder with my husband and two kids. We love the town, and have family here. CU has a great law school. It was perfect. I didn?t even bother applying to any other school.

Bonnie Sarkar
Alumnus: Class of 2007

Natural resources law

Teresa Taylor Tate
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I just love the feel of it. I look exclusively at school with small professor/student ratios and small student bodies. I visited all over the place, too. When I came here, it just felt right. I so appreciate the collegial environment this school fosters. I knew I could get really carried away in an ultra competitive environment. I feared that would set the stage for a similar career. Instead, I choose a school where I could engage in healthy competition with myself and be supported by my classmates. Finally, I could imagine living here in the future and practicing law in this area.