CU Law Profiles
Featured Questions & Answers

What is one interesting, fun, or offbeat thing you have done in your lifetime?

Faculty Answers
Barbara Bintliff
Faculty: Law Library Resources, Library Technology

I'll bet that I'm the only person on the faculty to have ridden in a rodeo. And I made my first scuba dive at the age of six off an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Richard B. Collins
Faculty: Constitutional & Indian Law

Serving as "tour officer" for U.S.S. Boston

H. Patrick Furman
Faculty: Criminal Clinics

That question assumes that I have done something interesting, fun or offbeat, and I'm not sure that's true. I'm a pretty dull guy. However, I have snorkeled in Jellyfish Lake in the Rock Islands of the Republic of Palau with tens of thousands of stingless jellyfish. I like unplanned road trips, and my 2002 unplanned road trip ended up with me in the middle of the Harley-Davidson Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, and that resulted in certain other adventures that cannot be placed on a public web site. I spent six weeks on the road with one of my sisters and two of my nieces in the Mother Of All Road Trips.

Clare Huntington
Faculty: Family Law, Immigration

I worked in an orphanage in India for six months and then traveled around Asia, including a visit to Tibet just as it was opening up to Westerners (my visit was cut short, however, after I was bitten by a rabid dog and had to hitchhike 500 miles to Katmandu to get rabies shots).

Christopher B. Mueller
Faculty: Evidence, Civil Procedure, Litigation

Worked as a firefighter in Grand Teton National Park, where I fought small forest fires and went on mountain rescue missions carrying supplies up and wounded climbers down.

Scott R. Peppet
Faculty: ADR, Contracts & Ethics

I jumped out of an airplane with the Czechoslovakian National Parachuting Team.

Carolyn Ramsey
Faculty: Criminal, Legal History, Gender Law & Public Policy

In 2001, I explored Namibia, which is in Southern Africa, with a friend who was writing a book about water rights along the Namibia-Angola border. In 1995, I traveled solo through Eastern Europe. I guess that?s more than one thing, but I love offbeat travel, so I could go on and on.

Pierre Schlag
Faculty: Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Torts

Working as a volunteer firefighter.

Amy Schmitz
Faculty: Contracts, Arbitration, Secured Transactions

There are quite a few. In terms of jobs, I had a job when I was 15 dressing up as Raggedly Anne to host children?s birthday parties at Hardees? fast food restaurant in Appleton, WI.

Jane Thompson
Faculty: CU Law Library, Faculty Services

I acted in community and high school theater and took a college course in oral interpretation. Favorite productions: Alice in Wonderland, Up the Down Staircase, A Thousand Clowns, I Never Saw Another Butterfly, and Barefoot in the Park.

Phil J. Weiser
Faculty: Telecomm, IP & Antitrust

Took a driving tour of the baseball parks in the Midwest.

Administration & Staff Answers
Cindy Gibbons
Administration & Staff: Registrar

I ride a dirtbike

Lorenzo Trujillo
Administration & Staff: Assistant Dean of Students & Professional Programs

I climbed Wainapichu Mountain in Peru

Alumnus Answers
Lucienne Boyd
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I traveled around Turkey and helped film a documentary.

Judd Choate
Alumnus: Class of 2006

Scout, Kansas City Royals, 1993-1996 (Region including Indiana to Chicago and Illinois to Danville)

Crisanta Duran
Alumnus: Class of 2005

In 2001, I won the 35th annual Miss Colorado Fiesta Queen pageant to represent the Hispanic people of Colorado! I competed with fifteen young Hispanic women from across the state and was graded on speech, talent, interview, evening gown, and an overall score. I had the opportunity to travel the state making various appearances, including; spoke to the Colorado legislature regarding issues that affect Hispanics, appeared on Spanish radio and television stations, and participated in community service activities to promote education. Best of all, I won a large sum of scholarship money to assist me with my studies!

As mentioned above, I love to dance! Throughout high school and college I was part of Ballet Folklorico de Colorado, a professional Latin dance company! My favorite performance was in 2002, when I performed with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra! Also, there is a photograph of my old dance group at Denver International Airport!

Todd Fredrickson
Alumnus: Class of 1991

Met my wife, Jen, the June before I started law school--we were married after I completed my second year.

Brian Mason
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I used to walk by the Rose Garden every day. It's an experience I will never forget.

Sarah Mercer
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I camped at San Elijo State Beach in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California (San Diego area) for eight weeks. I had nothing but a surfboard, bike, tent, and lots of quarters for hot water showers.

Alison Ochs
Alumnus: Class of 2005

I rodeo, so I went on a huge rodeo trip for the summer.

Siddhartha Rathod
Alumnus: Class of 2007

My wife and I spent 5 months backpacking around South America traveling, camping, and studying Spanish.

Katie Roenbaugh
Alumnus: Class of 2007

Probably taking improvisational comedy classes at the Second City in Chicago. (The Second City is the leading improv acting/comedy writing school in the nation. Reople like Tina Fey, Chris Farley, Jim Belushi, Bill Murray & Rachel Dratch all trained there).

Laurie Rust
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I volunteered at two international children's camps -- one in Ukraine and the other in Turkey.

Rita Sanzgiri
Alumnus: Class of 2006

I spent time being a full-time mom.

Bonnie Sarkar
Alumnus: Class of 2007

I have my pilots license

Teresa Taylor Tate
Alumnus: Class of 2006

Right out of undergrad, I worked in London doing theatre for a time- ah, that was the life!.