University of Colorado Law Review

Volume 79, Issue 1, Winter 2008


The Future of Federal Sentencing Policy: Learning Lessons from
Republican Judicial Appointees in the Guidelines Era

David M. Zlotnick

The Accounting: Habeas Corpus and Enemy Combatants
Emily Calhoun

Civic Republicanism, Public Choice Theory, and Neighborhood Councils:
A New Model for Civic Engagement

Matthew J. Parlow


Beyond the Davis Dictum:
Reforming Nontestimonial Identification Evidence Rules and Statutes

Jennifer M. DiLalla

Interstate Instability: Why Colorado’s Alien Smuggling Statute Is
Preempted by Federal Immigration Laws

Ben Meade

Opening the Door: Crowe v. Tull and the Application of
the Colorado Consumer Protection Act to Attorneys

Daniela Ronchetti

What Happened to “Paul’s Law”?:
Insights on Advocating for Better Training and Better Outcomes in
Encounters Between Law Enforcement and Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Elizabeth Hervey Osborn