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Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Pathways for a New Millennium

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), along with treaties, instruments, and decisions of international law, recognizes that indigenous peoples have the right to give "free, prior, and informed consent" to legislation and development affecting their lands, natural resources, and other interests, and to receive remedies for losses of property taken without such consent. With approximately 150 nations, including the United States, endorsing the UNDRIP, this requirement gives rise to emerging standards, obligations, and opportunities ? and creates considerable uncertainty -- for governments, industries, and investors.

In this conference, the very first to address "FPIC" on a global and national scale, Colorado Law will convene leading experts to discuss legal standards, best practices, and new partnerships with respect to FPIC implementation in natural resource development, climate change, and cultural heritage matters. Join us for a cutting-edge, high-level discussion of interest to indigenous nations, governmental agencies, NGO's, environmental advocates, institutional investors, and industry leaders in energy, natural resources, pharmaceuticals, biotech and others.

Event Details

CLE Credits
General: 8
Ethics: 0